Our Mission

Elliel not just represents yet another OTT or a fundraising platform but also a community to bring people, artists, and non-profits together with a shared vision of helping each other and giving them the power to build a new way of entertainment.
Elliel also empowers to ignite the spark of helping artists, non-profits, charities, orphanages, and more. Elliel is the first-ever DECENTRALIZED platform that gives control to people to create new movies, series, documentaries, and experiences everything to be present in the movement. Elliel also allows them to support their favorite independent artists, non-profits, charities, or organizations.
A platform where we echo the voice of eclectic artists and showcase Art created for the Soul, hosted by Heart, where Love is the only common language. A platform where Ordinary people will learn to move mountains with the help of those who have gone before them. We are the leaven (yeast) that will help the people arise and improve their area of life.